Families Exploring Down Syndrome
Families Exploring Down Syndrome
P.O. Box 1191
Sterling Heights, MI 48311
Phone: 586-997-7607
Fax: 586-977-1971

Families Exploring Down Syndrome is a non-profit organization founded in 1989 by a group of parents who felt the need to share a common bond with families in the area who were experiencing the same feelings, heartaches, and joys. We continue to meet on a monthly basis, addressing many topics of shared interests, and endeavor to promote public awareness for all people touched by Down syndrome.

Today, we are more than 200 families strong, with members from throughout the metropolitan Detroit area and beyond. In addition to our regular meetings, our members take advantage of our many events and programs to forge new friendships, learn, have fun, and appreciate life's blessings.

We extend membership to anyone who wishes to join, and welcome all, regardless of color or beliefs, with open arms and understanding.

Millions of people around the world are affected by Down syndrome everyday. Whether it's in your home, your school, or just a chance meeting with someone who looks and talks a little different from you, we're all affected in some way.

Families Exploring Down Syndrome (FEDS) wants you to see how people with Down syndrome and their families "shine on" and how we can all help make this a better world, not only for them, but for everyone. Take a moment to explore our site. It's full of Down syndrome-related information, resources, and of course, stars.

Parent-to-Parent Connection
Valuable parent-to-parent peer contacts are available to offer understanding, support, and encouragement to those newly diagnosed, or after the birth of their child. We will give unbiased, up-to-date information to those who are struggling with a decision when pre-natal results are received. FEDS makes every attempt to match you with a trained parent contact who has an understanding of your situation from personal experience. To make this uniquely reassuring connection, hospital staff, family members, or the parent may call the Families Exploring Down Syndrome hotline at 586-997-7607, or e-mail us at fedsyndrome@aol.com.

New Parent Packets
Our New Parent Packets contain a wealth of information to help you right now, and in the future. The packets contain up-to-date information on Down syndrome, the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS), and the National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC). Our packet includes a current list of Special Needs reading materials, Families Exploring Down Syndrome newsletters, contact phone numbers for local agencies, Early On of Michigan, and local Intermediate School Districts, as well as a letter inviting you to join Families Exploring Down Syndrome with a one-year complementary membership. We also include specialized growth charts and medical checklists for parents to share with their child's physician. If your hospital did not give you our New Parent Packet, please e-mail a packet request to fedsyndrome@aol.com, or call our hotline at 586-997-7607, and leave a message.

Lending Library
Families Exploring Down Syndrome maintains an extensive library of materials to be lent to members. These materials include up-to-date books on Down syndrome, information on parenting a child with special needs, various learning aids for children, and many other items. Library materials are available for check-out and return at our membership meetings.

Copyright © 2007 Families Exploring Down Syndrome. All rights reserved.

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