The League Camping & Therapeutic Recreation - Maryland
The League Camping & Therapeutic Recreation
1111 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, Maryland 21239
fax 410-323-3298
TTY (410) 435-4298

The League’s year round Camping & Therapeutic Recreation program provides joyful, life-changing experiences in a safe environment and builds meaningful relationships in the lives of youth and adults. Camping & Therapeutic Recreation is proud to offer the following programs and services:

Summer Camp Programs The League at Camp Greentop is a traditional summer camp for youth and adults with disabilities in Thurmont, Maryland. Campers enjoy swimming, horseback riding, arts & crafts, sports and other social activities. League Pioneers is our primitive camp that is a 1/2 mile from Camp Greentop. Campers sleep in tents, cook over a fire and explore the outdoors. Travel Camp allows campers to travel to local points of interest during the summer. Travel campers will spend their nights in hotels and their days sight seeing and discovering the area. Day Camp offers participents the option to experience Camp Greentop from 8:30am - 5:30pm and still be able to sleep at home.

Year Round Camping Weekend Respite programs are held September through February at Camp Round Meadow in Thurmont, MD. Participants enjoy themed weekends with activities such as sports, cooking, nature, arts & crafts and much more! Winter Camp is our weeklong camp program that runs from December 28 - January 2. Winter Camp includes a New Year's Eve party and a surprise trip!

Assisted Travel Participants join us to travel to locations like Las Vegas, Disney World, Myrtle Beach and other tourist destinations. Participants travel by land or air to a wide range of locations. With the support of travel staff, participants stay in hotels, dine in restaurants and see all that their travel destination has to offer.

Community Recreation Participants can join The League in a wide variety of programs that happen right in our own backyard. In the fall and spring, participants and their families enjoy sailing at the Downtown Sailing Center in Baltimore. During the year, social programs and events such as dinner theatres, dances and community outings are offered.

Copyright ©2005 The League for People with Disabilities. The Centre for Management and Technology.
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