Down Syndrome Organization of Southern Nevada (DSOSN) - Nevada
Down Syndrome Organization of Southern Nevada (DSOSN)
5300 Vegas Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89108
PHONE: 702-648-1990
FAX: 702-648-2020
Welcome to the Down Syndrome Organization of Southern Nevada (DSOSN). You will find good company here. The DSOSN is composed of some 700 members: including people with Down syndrome, their families and friends plus health-care, education and developmental professionals. We are the only organization in our region devoted exclusively to the needs of people with Down syndrome and their families.
We are funded through memberships, private and corporate donations and various fundraising events. As a result, the majority of our services are available to members throughout Southern Nevada at no cost. We do not receive any state or federal funding.
The Down Syndrome Organization of Southern Nevada is an independent local affiliate of the National Down Syndrome Society, the National Down Syndrome Congress and PACER.