Rocky Mountain Village - Colorado
Rocky Mountain Village
2644 Alvarado Road
Empire, CO 80436

Rocky Mountain Village in Empire Colorado is regarded as one of the top Easter Seals camps in the country. Rocky Mountain Village is fully accessible and used by more than 800 children and adults with disabilities during the summer camp sessions. Campers enjoy swimming, fishing, overnight camping, outdoor cooking, travel camp, day trips, arts & crafts, sports and recreation, hiking, dances, music & drama, horse-back riding, and riding the zip-line. During the non-summer season, camp provides approximately four R&R weekends. Campers come up to Rocky Mountain Village to get away and relax while giving their families a short rest from care-giving. We also offer 4 full day respite opportunities called "The Discovery Club" throughout the Denver Metro area each month. During the off season, Rocky Mountain Village functions as a rental and retreat facility utilized by a variety of groups and individuals.

© 2009 Easter Seals Colorado

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